Please complete and sign the Registration form before your pet’s visit. This will expedite the paper work process, allowing you to see the doctor sooner. The agreement also outlines our office payment policy. If you do have any questions, please telephone us before your appointment.

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New Clients Picture Permission Form

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Bird Exam Cat Exam Chicken Exam Dog Exam Ferret Exam Guinea Pig Exam Hedgehog Exam Porcine Exam Rabbit Exam Rat, Mice, Rodent Exam Reptile Exam

Overnight Admission Forms:

Cats & Dogs Avian Exotics

The Overnight Agreement outlines the terms and conditions governing your pet’s stay at Capri Plaza Pet Center. Please read it carefully and sign where indicated. Include the name of a person (an Agent who must be 18 years or older) who can act on your behalf in the event that we are unable to contact you during an emergency. An Agent may be asked to provide ID if he or she picks up the pet. If anyone other than you or an Agent comes to pick up the pet, we will not be able to release your pet without first speaking with you. If time allows, please return this form to us in advance, otherwise, you may bring it with you when you check-in.